The Political Culture of Democracy in the Americas, 2012: Towards Equality of Opportunity

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Autor: LAPOP
Equality of opportunity is at the very core of virtually all definitions of democracy. The notion of a level playing field resonates with advocates of democracy nearly everywhere in the world. Individuals? life-chances are strongly affected by the opportunities they have to attend good schools, receive quality health care, have access to credit, and so on. Indeed, children?s life- chances are strongly affected by their parents? own position in society and the economy, such that future achievement is often either limited or advanced by the conditions of one?s youth. Moreover, the life circumstances that affect success are also affected by societal levels of prejudice and norms related to groups? roles in society, since these attitudes can constrain economic opportunity and political participation. In this chapter, we examine how opportunities (e.g., education) and barriers to opportunities (e.g., discrimination) are distributed across subgroups within the Americas.

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