Globescan Radar 2013

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Autor: Globescan
GlobeScan Radar is a program of evidence and counsel that draws upon GlobeScan?s unique database of nearly twenty years of tracking of global (20-30 country) citizen and stakeholder perceptions around business and its role in society.

A partnership with GlobeScan through Radar provides companies with access to briefings and data, customised to specific needs. GlobeScan consultants support companies in managing the shifting realities of their operating environment, and share best practice with clients as to how leading companies are managing potential threats to their reputation.

GlobeScan Radar gives companies a comprehensive understanding of the social context in which their business operates around the world to guide communications, issues management, and initiative development. Through performance ratings, the Radar Program helps companies identify how views of various sectors are changing, and which sectors and businesses are the emerging leaders and laggards.

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